UX TOOLS Script for After Effects
Simple, fast and efficient tools for precise keyframing in animation and UX/UI prototyping in After effects.
• Move the current time to a desired time in Frames (fps), Miliseconds (ms) or Seconds (sec).
• Create or move Keys for the selected properties.
• Get the exact time for a set of selected keys respect to first selected key
• Create markers for the selected keys you want to know the time
UX KEYS module
Tired of calculating the exact animation times for app/web development? UX Keys gives you the precise time for your UX animations.
KEY Calculator module
It is the magical key teller. Just select a bunch of keys and you will get the values according to the first selected key and then create labeled markers for them with the time (fps,ms,sec)
• Download the zip file
• Unzip the content of UX Quick Tools.zip into the ScriptUI Panels folder and restart After Effects
Windows: Program\Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
MacOS: Applications/After Effects/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels
• You will find the script under the Window menu.
• Open it, Dock it and Enjoy it!
Fixing some bugs, available really soon. If you are interested in beta testing, drop me an e-mail.